Sunday, July 27, 2008

Passaic Dating: Beyond BT/SerandEz Shabbaton | Beyond BT - For Baalei Teshuva and Other Growth Oriented Jews

Passaic Dating: Beyond BT/SerandEz Shabbaton Beyond BT - For Baalei Teshuva and Other Growth Oriented Jews: "Beyond BT/SerandEz Shabbaton in Kew Gardens Hills on Shabbos Nachamu, August 15-16, 2008. Please join us for a full Shabbos program including relaxed, catered meals and personal thoughts on the themes of Integration, Inspiration and Individuality. There will also be a melave malka with the BBT Jam Band (in its newest incarnation).
Pricing to follow. We will find accommodations for those residing outside of Kew Gardens Hills on a first request - first serve basis. Please e-mail us at"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ratio of Male to Female in a community > Forums at the > Forums and Blogs at the Frum Community

Ratio of Male to Female in a community > Forums at the > Forums and Blogs at the Frum Community: "Being able to only see things from one perspective, I don't know whether it is easier for men or women to find shidduchim. It does seem to me, however, that in both cases shidduchim today focus too much on calculating the benefits of a marriage instead of actually looking at attraction and love (both in a purely Torah way, not the ridiculous secular notion!) and the binding of two neshomos.

I myself fit into an unsual category. I am young guy who is very in touch with the beautiful aspects of the secular world (yes, they do exist if you make sure to view them from the correct perspective) and is doing my utmost to make sure that I do hishtadlus to earn a parnossa and such. However, at the same time, I plan on heading to Israel after I complete my masters to learn for 4 or 5 years, after which I aim to make a parnossa hopefully through spreading Torah around the world."

courtesy of:
Posting from a Frum Community Forum

posted by:Aharon Moshe's Notebook

Sunday, July 13, 2008

CNN’s Blitzer Mouths Liberal Talking Points on Taxes, Oil Profits |

CNN’s Blitzer Mouths Liberal Talking Points on Taxes, Oil Profits "outlined McCain’s proposal to lower the federal business tax rate at the beginning of the segment, which began 14 minutes into the 5 pm Eastern hour of the CNN program, Blitzer took a persistent stance in asking if the reduction in taxes included 'big oil.' First, the CNN host asked, 'Would that reduction of the tax rate also include, as Obama says, ExxonMobil and the other big oil companies, who are awash in record profits?'"

Friday, July 11, 2008

In The Beginning

In The Beginning: "What Are Our Leaders Doing?

In yesterday’s Daf we were learning that by the time we as a leader have caused someone to sin; who has in turn also caused someone else to sin, that is now too late to do tshuva for that act. We learned that even a profit such as Elisha was punished for pushing away one of his students with rebuke using both hands. Instead we are taught that with our rebuke we can indeed push someone with one hand (as mussar) but that we need to also bring them close to Hashem with our other hand."

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Beis of Creation.

The Beis of Creation.:
"Gimmel Tammuz Fabrengen
Sunday July 6th, 2008 at 8:30 pm
@Beis Menachem
104 Howard Passaic NJ 07055
See you there!
Say a L'Chaim, Say Hello, or just come eat, drink, listen and learn!
AhMbDvd July, 2008"
For more info call 973-249-9770